June 2021

4 Retirement Lifestyle Predictions

Do you think your retirement will look exactly like your parent’s retirement? The answer is probably “no,” and hopefully, it’s “it will look even better.” Retirement is changing, and it’s important to think about what you want […]

May 2021

Looking Forward to Summer and Retirement

If you’re planning on taking a vacation, it’s probably something that you’ve looked forward to for a while now. Maybe you haven’t traveled much since before the pandemic and want to this summer, or maybe you’ve recently […]

Rekindle Your Friendships in Retirement

Summer is right around the corner, and you may be making plans. After the isolation of COVID, many of us are excited to get back to traveling, seeing family, and visiting friends. One of the best things […]

April 2021

How Will You Create a New Life In Retirement?

Even though most people look forward to retirement, some forget that losing the structured routines, sense of purpose, and social interactions from having a job can lead to a difficult transition. During the past year, many have […]

Is a Big Retirement Move Right for You?

Some people dream about retiring and jetting off to a tropical location to start a new life. In reality, the majority of people, when asked if they want to stay in their house once they retire, say […]

March 2021

Age Does Come Before Beauty

Despite the fact that America has an aging population, there is ample evidence of ageism happening around us. The way we perceive older adults can limit our roles in society as we age and a pervasive negative […]

February 2021

3 Way to Improve Aging At Home

It’s easy to fall into the trap of following a script when it comes to retirement, especially if you’re unsure of how to create your own plan. This “script” can dictate a retirement age, lifestyle, and even […]

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