
July 2024

What 2025 COLA Predictions Mean to You

What 2025 COLA Predictions Mean to You juniper wealth management

In 2022, the United States experienced the most significant inflation in four decades, primarily due to macroeconomic disruptions and supply chain issues following the COVID-19 pandemic. This led […]

October 2023

September 2023

January 2023

Let’s Talk Social Security

Let's Talk Social Security Juniper Wealth Management

For most, Social Security provides a solid foundation for retirement income. In fact, as of September 2022, over 70 million Americans were collecting benefits.[1] However, not everyone knows exactly how or […]

November 2021

September 2021

August 2021

How Will Social Security Respond to Higher inflation?

inflation is on the rise, and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently testified to Congress regarding the Federal Reserve’s commitment to controlling inflation. He admitted that inflation is “well above target” but didn’t indicate any major changes […]

July 2021

Where Could Your Retirement Income Come From?

You’re used to receiving a paycheck, and perhaps you’ve been used to it steadily increasing over the course of your career. You may have experienced what’s known as “lifestyle inflation” and may not plan to downgrade in […]

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